Everyone says that physically fit is very much important but i said that not only physically but mentally fit is also important. Because mental health is important issue of healthcare system Everyone says that physically fit is very much important but i said that not only physically but mentally fit is also important. Because mental health is important issue of healthcare system
Mental health means not only think but how to feel and how to act in particular situations. because if we are mentally fit then we easily handle our stress and and take best decision of our life. now in modern day at the age of 18-24 years age group face the problem of mental illness. because they get stressed with very little things. many times they feel guilty, stressed, changes in sleep not proper hygiene and because of huge stressed many times suicidal thoughts also come in the minds of youths.
So i must say that only you have power to overcome this problem. This issue is not serious issue that you can’t solve because every problem god give you the solution.so the solution is you discuss the problem to that person you trust most in life. for mentally fit before you personally physical fitness is very much important. because your focus is to improve mental illness you can do 30 minutes yoga, walking or running that you can try.
also you can do that activities that you enjoy like listen your favourite songs,reading books, watching your favourite films etc. In short, you do that activities that enjoy. but during that time you cannot do alcohol, drugs because sometimes improve mental illness they give benefit to short time but your huge loss in long run. during this process your self love is very much important. after this activities if you fail to overcome mental illness then you go with psychotherapist .they help you to overcome that problem.
this world is for you so don’t worry never to do stress. Live the life full enjoyable and never pressure on yourself and enjoy your life with your way!